EU Elections 2024

EFFAT calls for a Fairer Europe for Workers



EU Elections 2024:

Calling for a Fairer Europe for workers

6-9 June 2024 

A crucial week for Europe.

Across the EU, millions of citizens and workers will cast their vote for the next European Parliament. The election results will decide whether the EU will continue to pursue an ambitious social and environmental agenda or whether it will opt for nationalism, extremism, and austerity with major risks for the hold of democracy, the planet, and social rights.

Over the last EU mandate, European workers have borne the brunt of a series of profound crises, each leaving a distinct mark on their well-being, while also testing the strength of the European Union.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted employment patterns, leading to widespread job losses and economic uncertainty. Essential workers in agriculture, food, and domestic work faced the daily dilemma of choosing between work and life. As Tourism shuttered altogether, hospitality workers were the hardest hit but came back saving the European sector when it finally resumed.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the current war in the Middle-East and the increased geopolitical tensions depict a gloomy horizon for humanity. Alongside these conflicts, vulnerable households and food-deficit countries bear the risks associated with food speculation and food affordability.

The cost-of-living crisis is exerting enormous pressure on workers. As prices rose, wages struggled to keep pace, inequality keeps rising, and food company shareholders continue to register record profits.

The escalating impact of global warming, from extreme weather events to shifts in environmental patterns, has direct consequences on labour. Agriculture and Tourism jobs face increased risks and disruptions. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns jeopardize workers’ health, safety and income.

In this multifaceted crisis scenario, the upcoming European elections must bring forth a European Parliament and Commission dedicated to promoting equal treatment, social and climate justice, as well as peace and solidarity.

We need a vision that opposes the narrative of the far right based on fear in contrast with our trade union values and democracy itself.

Representing millions of workers in some of the most challenging sectors of the economy, we have identified 5 calls that would serve this vision. Before the June EU elections, EFFAT calls on all European parties and candidates to join us and deliver a better Europe for workers.

EFFAT is the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions, also representing domestic workers. As a European Trade Union Federation representing 116 national trade unions from 37 European countries, EFFAT defends the interests of more than 25 million workers towards the European Institutions, European employers’ associations, and transnational companies.EFFAT is a member of the ETUC and the European regional organisation of the IUF.

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